Breastfeeding Blues:
You are NOT alone if you can't breastfeed, won't breastfeed, or need to stop breastfeeding!
It's simple, right?  Attach baby to nipple.  Bonding and bliss ensue.  Right?
I put up this site because I was tired of all the propaganda about breastfeeding and the implied judgment of women who can't breastfeed, or decide to stop breastfeeding.  
I'm here to say that your kids will turn out fine.  They're not going to end up wheezing criminals with ears that constantly drain pus.  Unless, of course, you have a family history of pus-draining criminals. 
So, relax.  There are a million different ways you can mess up your child.   Bottlefeeding isn't one of them. 
Please look around this site, and share your advice, your story, or any good tips you have about anything!  
And know that if for whatever reason, you can't breastfeed, you hate breastfeeding, or you had to stop breastfeeding for any reason... 
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